01 January, 2011

Hello, 1.1.11!

by Beverly Ealdama

I woke up to the power being out, and my neighbor still blasting music from their party last night. I opened at work today and had a terrible headache the whole time. No, I didn't party last night. Unfortunately. I packed a lunch when I wasn't going to have a lunch break and I forgot to eat breakfast before leaving. How silly is that? On top of that the weather is really mild today. First day of the new year and all the snow has melted and it was in the 50s today. I know Michigan weather is bipolar, but this whole thing is freaking me out. Global warming and the whole end of the world thing on 12.12.12 scares the pants off of me.

Anywho, I was surprised to see my mom stop by the store and shop. I showed her off to my co-workers. Lame, I know. Then two hours later I was off of work. Since then I've been crashed on the couch being all cozy.

I hope everyone had a good new Years! I expect 2011 to be a good year.

xo Jenni

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