Well, when I do turn the new age and I get the oh-so-nice horizontal identification card I'm still going to be treated like a kid. To this day, I still get strangers thinking that I'm 16 years old (sometimes even younger). I'm sure when I'm 40 years old my youthful face will benefit me, but it's just going to get super old to get ID'd over and over until then. But I digress, the point of this post is to share 21 things I would like to happen when I turn the new age or until I turn tweenteen-two. Some things are just what I'd like to have as presents. It probably won't happen, but a girl can dream right?
Get my nose pierced -- ever since my punk rock days started in middle school I wanted to get it done. Why haven't I gotten it done yet? Parents would want to kick me out, it could cause some trouble getting a job, or if I didn't time it right getting it done my allergies would mess with the healing process. The video scares me (just a little).

Build a teepee or a fort, but a teepee would be cooler. Just like this badass one that Elsie owns made by Rachel.
3. Bowling -- something to do on the big day. Maybe the one below the Magic Stick in Detroit?
4. Have my first LEGAL beer at a bar, and perhaps at said bowling alley below the Magic Stick.

A 50mm lens for my baby. It's the one lens that I should REALLY have for my camera. I have a 18-55mm lens and a 500 Zoom lens, but I honestly need a lens that I know I will have fun with.
6. Have enough money saved up to move out of parental units' home. I don't know if this will happen considering how the job market in Michigan is absolutely terrible, and one job isn't cutting it. It's just a goal.

A Rolleiflex camera or any medium format twin lens reflex camera. It's one that I've been dying to have in my collection of working vintage cameras. I have lots of film that I want to use up and I'm saving them specifically for a TLR. I scour eBay and thrift stores all the time and I can never find one for my budget. I did receive a Brownie Reflex for my last birthday, but they don't make film for it anymore, and I did recently purchase a Brownie Hawkeye, but it needs a cleaning and whatnot.

This totebag by Handmade Detroit. I do whadIgottado to support the Mitten (and crafts). :]

My very own laptop -- this is looooong over due. I wanted to receive one as a graduation present (for high school) instead of a party that I didn't want. I've been going through college (about 3 years) on an old family shared desktop that just loves to pester me so, and only me. Why am I now finally able to get it? Tax refund. :]

This Apple Ukulele by celentanowoodworks. Now I already have a baritone ukulele that I'm not that great at playing, but this instrument is sooooo beautiful and delicious looking. If I owned it I know I would play the ukulele better.

Little Enid Print by theblackapple. I'm a big fan of Daniel Clowes' graphic novel/comic "Ghost World," so I think having this print is totally appropriate.

Liam - Little Red Forest Fox by sleepyking. Red foxes are one of my favourite animals.
13. Find my own secret getaway in a woodsy area, but that's not too easy in the Metro Detroit area.
14. Eat an amazing grilled cheese samich at some restaurant (I forget the name) in Cleveland, OH that I saw on an episode of "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives."

Embroidered Effects by Jenny Hart/Sublime Stitching
16. The right faux leather badass rock 'n' roll jacket
17. Have someone play "Happy Birthday" to me on a random instrument. I played it on my accordion for someone special last month. I think I deserve the same gesture.

A pair of sweet roller skates. Perhaps a pair that I can spray paint a fun colour?
I've loved this movie ever since I first saw it when I was 5 years old. My Neighbor Totoro is such a beautiful movie, and I highly suggest it to those that love the idea of remaining a child at heart (or those that like Japanese/foreign films). Though, I'm not entirely sure if I want the version that is re-dubbed by the Fanning sisters.

Annamoa fabric from Ikea -- I just love them all! I want to make bedding, curtains, and even wall panels. I just love the Swiss mountain and animal prints.
21. To be genuinely happy.
<3 J.Loo
I'm totally stealing this idea Jenni!! It's such a great idea. :D
ReplyDeleteLove the apple ukulele :D
ReplyDeleteMy Neighbor Totoro is my second favourite Ghibli film, my first is The Cat Returns.
I've never heard of The Cat Returns. I'll have to check it out. :]